Natasha Smith

Mail Code: 0230
Natasha is the Director of Enrollment Management for the College of Engineering and is responsible for oversight of the COE enrollment management plan, as well as understanding the throughput of undergraduate engineering students and determining methods to increase retention, matriculation, and graduation rates.
Natasha holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Information Technology (2006), a Master of Business Administration (2008), a Master of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering (2016), and a Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering (2019), all from Virginia Tech. Her Ph.D. area of study was the on the intersection of systems engineering and enrollment management.
Natasha has worked at Virginia Tech since 2008, beginning as a graduate coordinator in the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. In 2010, she moved to the Department of Engineering Education as one of their first professional undergraduate academic advisors. In 2012, Natasha took on the role of Director of Enrollment Management within the Department of Engineering Education. In 2020, she moved to the College of Engineering Academic Affairs office as the COE Director of Enrollment Management.