Engineering Laboratories
Research laboratories provide engineering faculty and students with collaborative partnerships, facilities, and resources to tackle pressing research problems.

Department Laboratories
Center for Advanced Separation Technology, MINE
Center for Embedded Systems for Critical Applications, ECE
Center for Geotechnical Practice and Research, CEE
Center for High Performance Manufacturing, ISE
Center for Human Computer Interaction, CS
Center for Injury Biomechanics, BEAM
Center for Innovation in Construction Safety and Health, MLSoC
Center for Photonics Technology, ECE
Center for Power Electronics Systems, ECE
Center for Renewable Energy and Aerodynamic Technology (CREATe), AOE
Center for Space Science and Engineering Research, AOE
Center for Tire Research (CENTIRE), ME
Center for Vehicle Systems and Safety, ME
Laboratory for Advanced Scientific Computing and Applications, CS
Occupational Safety and Health Research Center, ISE
Power and Energy Center, ECE
Rolls-Royce University Technology Center, ME
Specialized Laboratories
Advanced Manufacturing Lab
Advanced Propulsion and Power Lab
The Cube, located within the Moss Arts Center
Kroehling Advanced Materials Foundry
Micro and Nano-fabrication Lab
Robotics and Mechatronics Lab
Shock Tube Research Facility
Thomas M. Murray Structures and Materials Lab
Virginia Tech Drone Park
Virginia Tech Helmet Lab
Virginia Tech Stability Wind Tunnel