Industry and Academic Partnerships
Our industry and academic partners provide focused resources for our research initiatives as well as support for student programs, technology transfer, and educational priorities.

GO Virginia Region 2 Resource Portal
The GO Virginia Region 2 Project: Industry 4.0 for the ACE Workforce is a cluster scale-up project with an overarching mission to establish Virginia's Region 2 as global leaders in next-generation transportation.
Center for Power Electronics Systems (CPES)
The Center for Power Electronics Systems (CPES), with annual research expenditures of $4 to 5 million dollars, is dedicated to improving electrical power processing and distribution that impact systems of all sizes – from battery-operated electronics to vehicles to regional and national electrical distribution systems. CPES has a worldwide reputation for its research advances, its work with industry to improve the entire field, and its many talented graduates. The CPES industry consortium comprises over 70 members engaged with the Center to stay abreast of technological developments in power electronics, and the consortium provides an ideal forum for networking with leading-edge companies and top-notch researchers.
Cybersecurity @ Virginia Tech
Cybersecurity @ Virginia Tech offers multidisciplinary opportunities in cybersecurity education and research, with participating faculty from the departments of computer science, electrical and computer engineering, political science, and business. In addition to partners across the university, this program also collaborates with some of the nation's leading security agencies and educational programs, including the National Security Agency, the Cybercorps Scholarship for Service Program, and the Intelligence Community Center for Academic Excellence.
National GEM Consortium
GEM is a network of leading corporations, government laboratories, top universities, and top research institutions that enables qualified students from underrepresented communities to pursue graduate education in applied science and engineering. Through its membership in the National GEM Consortium, the College of Engineering is able to connect these students to paid fellowship and internship opportunities as well as career planning resources and connections.
The Rolls-Royce Research and University Technology Centre (UTC)
Virginia Tech is a member of the Rolls-Royce Research and University Technology Centre (UTC) program, a global network of 31 engineering research partners. As one of only three such centre’s in the United States, the UTC program has generated numerous opportunities for Virginia Tech engineering students especially in advanced systems diagnostics research. The UTC program has also laid the groundwork for one of Virginia Tech’s premier research abroad opportunities which includes Rolls-Royce and fellow UTC member, the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom.
Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CCAM)
The Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CCAM) is a consortium of private industry, government, and Virginia academic research institutions dedicated to the advancement of manufacturing research and innovation. As one of five academic institutions, Virginia Tech works in partnership with 29 private industry and government partners to help accelerate the translation and adoption of new manufacturing technologies into new markets. Research focus areas include aerospace, mechanical, industrial systems, and materials science engineering. CCAM’s primary research facilities are located in Prince George County, Virginia.
University of Nottingham
More than 30 faculty from Virginia Tech engineering and the University of Nottingham work together in eight research areas, including human factors and virtual reality, biopolymers and materials, manufacturing, polymer composites, geo-energy and mining (including geospatial monitoring), transportation materials, power electronics, and gas turbine propulsion. Through this partnership with the University of Nottingham, the College also offers an International Research Experience for Students (IRES) with funding assistance from a National Science Foundation IRES grant.
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
The Virginia Tech - Wake Forest School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences supports the College's joint graduate program in biomedical engineering, which offers master's, doctoral, and combination graduate degrees at both campus locations. Program faculty and students regularly participate in joint research projects as well as cross-campus teaching and learning.
Interested in a partnership with the Virginia Tech College of Engineering?
Contact LINK, the university's Center for Advancing Industry Partnerships.