Dewey Spangler

320 Stanger Street
Blacksburg, VA 24061
United States
Dewey Spangler has been manager of the Ware Lab since 2009. He is responsible for daily operations, working with student project teams, communicating with corporate and individual sponsors and promoting Virginia Tech to prospective students. Dewey is also responsible for the enforcement of safety regulations for Ware Lab.
Dewey received his M.S. and B.S. degrees from Virginia Tech in Civil Engineering in 1987 and 1989, respectively, conducting load behavior testing of full-scale structural steel building components at the structures and material lab. He completed his M.ENG degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2011 in the area of active magnetic bearings and holds a graduate certificate in Nuclear Engineering, both from Virginia Tech.
Upon graduation with the M.S. in civil engineering, Dewey worked for 10 years as a design engineer for John W. Hancock, Jr., Inc. (now New Millennium Steel) in Salem, Virginia. He spent seven years as chair of the engineering transfer department at Virginia Western Community College, one year as a math instructor at the Roanoke Valley Governor’s School, and three years as an instructor in the department of Mechanical Engineering at Virginia Tech. He is professionally licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia.