How To Read a DARS
A Degree Audit Report (DARS) is a computer generated report for undergraduate students that matches the requirements of a degree program with a student's completed coursework awarded on Hokie Spa.
Students in a degree-granting engineering major will need to complete the application for degree before running a DARS. Details for this process can be located here.
Students in General Engineering or any student considering changing their major will need to run a "What-If DARS" that allows them to run the degree audits based on if they declared a different major. Details for this process can be located here.
Once you have run a DARS (or What-If DARS) you can review the requirements. The below explanations will help you understand the report and how it displays the requirements and courses you have completed.

Green Check: Requirement is complete
Blue Dots: Requirement will be met with currently enrolled course(s)
Red X: Requirement not met
Select the ">" symbol to see more specifics for each requirement, including the number of hours needed for the requirement and the course options available to fulfill the requirement.