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Corps of Cadets Engineering Plan of Study

Corps of Cadet Students

Students in an ROTC program may be required to complete a plan of study (also known as an academic degree plan) for their service branch (Air Force, Army, Navy, Navy - Marine Option). This plan may require an academic advisor’s signature. Citizen-Leader Track students may also create a plan as a course requirement. 

Cadets generally take between 4.5 and 5 years to graduate with an engineering degree due to additional course requirements for ROTC and the Corps of Cadets. The College of Engineering has developed Extended Corps of Cadets degree plans for students to use as a model or one potential option when creating their plan. The plans are linked below through a Google Drive link.

NOTE: Within the Google Drive folder, students should select the year that matches their academic year of entry at Virginia Tech.

The College of Engineering encourages students to plan properly, so students should allocate at least one week between the time their advisor reviews the plan and its due date to ensure adequate time to make changes and gain their advisor's signature.

Corps of Cadets Engineering Plan of Study Resources

Corps of Cadets Engineering Plan of Study Instructions (Google Presentation)
Corps of Cadets Engineering Extended Plans (Google Drive link)

Corps of Cadets Plan of Study Templates:

Air Force: Form 48/Academic Degree Plan
Army: 104-R Planned Academic Worksheet
Citizen Leader Track: HokieGPS (Within Hokie Spa)
Navy: Degree Completion Plan 
Navy - Marine Option: Degree Completion Plan