Rocketry at Virginia Tech
Rocketry at Virginia Tech is a design team that competes in the Spaceport America Cup competition and continues to push the limits of high-powered rocketry.

What is Rocketry at Virginia Tech?
Rocketry at Virginia Tech is a competition engineering design team affiliated with the Virginia Tech Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering. The aim of the club is to create an environment for students to learn and work together building, launching, and experimenting with high power rockets. The club also serves to aid those who wish to pursue high power certification by connecting students with the local rocketry club, New River Valley Rocketry (NRVR), and chapters of both Tripoli Rocketry Association (TRA) and the National Association of Rocketry (NAR).
Each year we participate in the Spaceport America Cup competition hosted by the Experimental Sounding Rocket Association (ESRA) and Spaceport America in New Mexico. We currently compete in the COTS 10,000 ft. category, which means that the team's aim is to launch a rocket as accurately as possible to 10,000 ft. AGL. The team is also currently developing a student researched and developed (SRAD) hybrid rocket engine to compete in the SRAD 10,000 ft. category in the future. Solidarity, rocketeers!

Who can join?
Anyone who is a Virginia Tech student (literally)
- Spaceport America Cup 2022 Overall Top 19%
- Spaceport America Cup 2021 Overall 3rd
- Battle of the Rockets 2016 Category 1st
Fast Facts
Team size: About 75 members
Department Afiliation: Aerospace Engineering
Workshop: Advanced Engineering Design Lab