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Romina's Trip to Spain

Romina standing on a balcony of a historical building

Romina participated in the VT in Spain program while pursuing a dual major in Civil Engineering and Spanish. Her favorite memory on her trip was attending a celebration in Toledo, where the decorations felt like they came straight from a Disney movie. She was also surprised to learn about Spain’s history, specifically the country’s Arab influences and how they shaped the culture that exists there today. 

A group of students holding a Virginia Tech maroon flag

Romina recommends studying abroad to other engineering students because it is such a valuable opportunity to develop social and technical skills that are crucial for engineers. Her advice to future students is to be proactive in budgeting for additional expenses so you can experience all the country has to offer and get to make the most of your program.  Although she faced some challenges getting adjusted to her living situation, Romina encourages others to embrace their opportunities for experiences abroad, because they help you grow as a person and gain a more holistic perspective of the world. 

A historical building in Spain