Elijah's experience at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences

Elijah had a very transformative experience as a participant in Hamburg University of Applied Sciences VT exchange program. One of his key takeaways was the surprising similarities between him and his peers. Even though they all came from different backgrounds and countries they were all very similar, and Eli really enjoyed making friends in that type of environment. One difference that surprised him was that many students had already done an apprenticeship before getting to university. This made the educational experience different, because it was much more technical and hands-on. Overall, he noted that students are much more focused on their academic experience, rather than their post-graduate job, and he found that to be a refreshing change of pace.

Before making the decision to embark on this study abroad experience, Eli was nervous about the fact that he would be missing out on having a traditional summer internship. He ended up gaining useful experience through the mini design projects assigned in his elective classes. This allowed him to gain valuable experience that he could use in his professional career. One piece of advice he would give to other engineering students wishing to study abroad is to make sure you plan out your experience and ensure it aligns with your academic goals. Eli wants students to embrace the opportunity to study abroad if they find one, and to know it is a very rewarding experience where you learn more than you could imagine.