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Configuring Outlook 2010 for Exchange

  1. Connect to the Virginia Tech VPN if working from off campus.
  2. On the Start Menu, go to All Programs, Microsoft Office, and click on Microsoft Outlook 2010
  3. On the Microsoft Outlook 2010 Startup screen, select Next.  If Outlook opens and you already have an email account configured your configuration instructions are different.
  4. Select Yes and Click Next to configure your email account.
  5. Select Manually configure server settings... and click Next.
  6. Select Microsoft Exchange... and click Next.
  7. Enter "" as the server address and your PID as your username and click Next.
  8. Enter "Hokies\PID" and your Hokies password.  (Replace PID with your PID.)
  9. Click OK.
  10. Click Finish.
  11. Outlook should open.
  12. Enter "Hokies\PID" and your Hokies password. (Replace PID with your PID.). 

Once Outlook is connected it could take several hours for all of your mail to be synched with your new client.