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Ronald Bistry

Headshot of Ronald Bistry
"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” - John F. Kennedy

Meet Ronald Julian Bistry, a driven and talented aerospace engineering student at Virginia Tech. He hails from the vibrant city of Chicago, Illinois. Currently in his third year of pursuing a Bachelor's degree, Ronald's GPA stands at an impressive 3.52, a testament to his dedication and hard work.

Being a Virginia Tech Engineer, Ronald finds immense joy in the university's strong emphasis on innovation. It fuels his passion for exploring new ideas and advancements in the field of aerospace engineering. Outside of academia, Ronald leads a diverse range of hobbies, including basketball, cooking international recipes, spending time with loved ones, and even dabbling in start-up ventures.

Among his interests, Ronald also finds inspiration in the world of cartoons. His favorite character is Scooby Doo, appreciating the way Scooby and his friends always manage to solve mysteries and save the day. In the realm of music, he finds solace and enjoyment in Chicago Rap, and his favorite film is the iconic "Iron Man" from 2008, with Tony Stark serving as one of his role models.

In his earlier years, back in middle school, Ronald dreamed of becoming a space ranger and venturing to the moon. Now, as a student at Virginia Tech, his dreams have grown even grander. He aspires to contribute to humanity's future as a multi-planet society, envisioning efficient settlements on other planets to ensure the survival of our species. Ronald also hopes to innovate spacecraft technology for faster and safer interstellar travel.

Beyond academics, Ronald is actively involved in several organizations at the College of Engineering, including the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Engineers Without Borders, the Nuclear Society at Virginia Tech, and the Society of Women in Aviation and Space Exploration. Additionally, he finds fulfillment in volunteering and giving back to the community, participating in Greeks Giving Back, The Big Event at Virginia Tech, and offering his service at Misericordia Heart of Mercy in Chicago.

If there were one thing Ronald could change, it would be to eradicate violence and war from the world. His vision for the future is one of peace, progress, and the expansion of humanity's reach across the cosmos, making him a bright and ambitious young engineer with a profound sense of purpose.