- My favorite part was... actually I don’t have a favorite part I loved everything! At first I really didn’t wanna come but I take back what I said. I had so much fun! Thank you to all the staff, PA, and RA. We love you!
- I learned how to be responsible, manage time, work with people I don't know, and solder along with other info from activities. I hope someday to take an engineering class or course to know if that's the field for me.

- Thank you for teaching me about many things, like gear ratios, constructing circuits, general and intricate things about exoskeletons, and how things work. I hope to become an aerospace engineer or automotive engineer, as I have great interest in both cars and planes. All the staff were kind and understanding, especially with soldering as they were very patient and always helped when they could.
- Thank you for all that you do. The generosity and helpful moments I had to experience with all of you, I'm grateful for the support. Thank you for being those rare people who are willing to go that extra mile for others and for giving so much of you guys. :D
- Thank all of you for making this great experience. It will be a high light of my year.
- I learned a lot of things that could help me in the future. I hope one day that I will join Imagination camp as a mentor. Thank you to everyone who helped me during my time at Imagination camp.
- Thank you for letting me be in a university for the first time and showing me these great things.
- I hope someday I will come back here to become an engineer.

Contact Imagination
220 Gilbert Street (MC 0275), Blacksburg, Virginia, 24061
Phone: (540) 231-7337
Email Imagination
Center for the Enhancement of Engineering Diversity
220 Gilbert Street (MC 0275)
Blacksburg, Virginia, 24061
Phone: (540) 231-7411
Email CEED