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Hugo Carranza

Headshot of Hugo Carranza
"El camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente"

Hugo Carranza, a junior pursuing a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering at Virginia Tech. Originally from Woodbridge, VA, Hugo has always been passionate about engineering and creating innovative solutions. Coming from a family with two older siblings, he has learned the value of hard work and determination, often finding inspiration in his father, who serves as his role model. Despite not having the opportunity to attend college, Hugo's father tirelessly supports their family and instills in Hugo a strong work ethic.

In his middle school days, Hugo would often dream about becoming an engineer and utilizing his skills to invent and design new things. Now, as a student at Virginia Tech, he has set his sights even higher. Hugo envisions owning his own engineering firm in the future or being involved in the complete development of a groundbreaking patent.

Within the College of Engineering, Hugo was actively involved with Galileo during his freshman year, showcasing his commitment to his field of study. However, if given the chance to change one thing, he would make education more accessible and affordable, recognizing the burdensome costs associated with obtaining a degree. Despite these challenges, Hugo remains dedicated to his academic journey and aspires to make a significant impact in the world of engineering.