Building Construction

The Building Construction (BC) degree offers a unique experience for students to engage in the creation of exemplary vertical structures, spaces, and systems with the goal of shaping the future of our built environment. With an overarching focus on business and construction management, innovation and emerging technologies, performance and sustainability; students are prepared to enter the industry as future managers, executives, and leaders in this increasingly fast-paced industry.
The curriculum focuses heavily on team and project-based learning that touches on all aspects of managing a construction project: materials, methods, scheduling, estimating, safety, and smart technologies in the construction industry. In the program’s unique integrated construction sequence of courses, teams work together throughout the semester to culminate in a competitive, formal bid for a vertical (e.g. commercial or residential) construction project similar to the bidding process construction companies undertake. Because of the team-based structure of the curriculum and the career, special emphasis is given to professional skills including leadership, conflict management, technical writing, team dynamics, and communication.
Graduates of our program can choose between field or office positions and are mainly employed by (but not limited to) general contractors, specialty contractors, developers, residential, or commercial construction companies of all sizes and located throughout the U.S. Many graduates go on to own their own businesses and thus the characteristics of a typical innovative construction student and entrepreneur are similar. They are curious and creative risk takers who like to solve problems with a hands-on approach.
The Myers-Lawson School of Construction offers a Bachelor of Science in Building Construction (BS BC). Courses focus on the business and process of making, managing, assembling, and performing buildings, including their operations, finance, energy use, and sustainability. Review the University Catalog to see the required coursework.
The degree is accredited by the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE).
Interest Areas and Related Degrees/Minors
The undergraduate BC non-engineering degree program provides courses and experiences related to the following areas within the college: construction engineering, green engineering; lean construction; project management; smart design and construction. A short description of each area and related degrees and minors are provided below to enhance your major exploration experience.
Construction Engineering and Management
Construction engineering and management is designed for students who wish to pursue an engineering and management career within the construction industry.
Related Engineering Degrees: Construction Engineering and Management | Civil Engineering
Related Degrees: Architecture | Smart and Sustainable Cities | Sustainable Biomaterials
Related Minors: Green Engineering
Green Engineering
Green engineering is the design and use of products, practices and processes to promote sustainability, conserve resources and minimize waste and pollution. Green processes prioritize efficiency and effectiveness without compromising quality.
Related Engineering Degrees: Civil Engineering
Related Degrees: Architecture | Smart and Sustainable Cities | Sustainable Biomaterials
Related Minors: Green Engineering
Lean Construction
Lean construction is a mindset and body of practice within construction that maximizes efficiency of processes, budgets, time and resources, prioritizes the overall project value to the customer, while minimizing waste.
Related Engineering Degrees: Civil Engineering
Related Degrees: Architecture | Smart and Sustainable Cities | Sustainable Biomaterials
Related Minors: Green Engineering
Project Management
Brief description here.
Related Engineering Degrees: Civil Engineering | Industrial and Systems Engineering
Related Degrees: Public and Urban Affairs | Real Estate | Smart and Sustainable Cities
Related Minors: Environmental Policy and Planning | Green Engineering | Public and Urban Affairs
Smart Design and Construction
Smart design involves the use of technology and innovation by engineers to develop products and processes that help people work smarter and live better. Information, equipment, and cutting-edge technology are used to create powerful products and experiences for the end-user/consumer.
Related Engineering Degrees: Civil Engineering
Related Degrees: Architecture| Smart and Sustainable Cities | Sustainable Biomaterials
Related Minors: Green Engineering
Getting Involved
Honor Society - Sigma Lambda Chi
Additional Opportunities:
Associated Schools of Construction (ASC) Competition Team
Building Goodness Foundation
Building Women in Construction
Construction Management Association of America (CMAA)
Habitat for Humanity
Myers-Lawson School of Construction Career Fairs
Career Resources
Our Engineering Career Resource provides you with all of the most frequently used career information websites in one place for ease of access. This list includes links to VT First Destination Post Grad Report, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Department of Defense, and many more.
Quick Facts
- founded in 1942 to provide education and research to build the construction industry of tomorrow.
- backed by an industry board of over 50 industry leaders.
- accredited by the American Council for Construction Education.
- focuses on all four sectors of the construction industry (residential, commercial, industrial, and heavy)
- hosts lectures and seminars, field visits, and collaboration with construction firms to complement and reinforce the core program.
- hosts construction career fairs every fall and spring semester with over 100 companies for full-time employment and paid summer internships.
- complete courses from Civil Engineering; Construction Engineering and Management Building Construction; and Business
- eligible to receive scholarship opportunities available specifically for students in BC.
- gain careers in a variety of construction-related companies (contractors, design/build firms, government, utilities, subcontractors, etc.).
- have 100% job placement with multiple job offers and a starting salary of approximately $65,000 with a B.S. degree that is accredited by the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE).
Building Construction
200 Hitt Hall (0156)
1385 Perry St.
Blacksburg, Virginia, 24061
Email BC