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The College of Engineering hosts 14 degree programs.

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Degrees and Majors Within the College of Engineering

First-Time in College (FTIC) Students
FTIC students applying to Building Construction are directly admitted to Building Construction.

FTIC students applying to Aerospace Engineering, Biological Systems Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Construction Engineering and Management, Electrical Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining Engineering, and Ocean Engineering will begin their academic journey in the general engineering program, hosted by the Department of Engineering Education. Students are eligible to declare one of these degree programs after meeting specific program requirements, which is typically prior to their second year at Virginia Tech.

Transfer Students
All transfer students admitted to the College of Engineering are directly admitted to their intended major.


  • The Computer Science program is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET.
  • The Building Construction program is a non-engineering program of study accredited with the American Council for Construction Education
  • The Biomedical Engineering program is seeking initial accreditation with the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET following the successful graduation of their first class in May 2022
  • All other College of Engineering undergraduate programs are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.

Professional Licensure
Virginia Tech discloses whether its educational programs leading to careers that require licensure meet educational requirements for professional licensure in each state, view the determinations for each state here.

The college of engineering also offers several minors that students can pursue in addition to a degree, the list of minors can be located here. Graduation requirements for each major can be located here.


Aerospace and Ocean Engineering (BSAOE)
Aerospace Engineering (AE)
Ocean Engineering (OE)
Contact: Emily Metzgar

Biological Systems Engineering (BSBSE)
Biological Systems Engineering (BSE)
Ecological Engineering (ECOE)
Contact: Priscilla Baker

Biomedical Engineering (BSBME)
Biomedical Engineering (BMES)
Contact: Amanda Sandridge

Building Construction (BS)
Building Construction
Contact: Shelton Norwood

Chemical Engineering (BSCHE)
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Contact: Jeremy Wilson

Civil Engineering (BSCE)
Civil Engineering (CE)
Environmental Engineering (EENG)
Contact: Lauren Varboncoeur

Computer Engineering (BSCPE)
Chip-Scale Integration (CSI)
Computer Engineering (CPE)
Controls, Robotics, & Autonomy (CRA)
Machine Learning (MCHL)
Networking & Cybersecurity (NWCS)
Software Systems (SFTW)
Contact: Mary Brewer

Computer Science (BSCS)
Computer Science (CS)
Data-Centric Computing (DCC)
Secure Computing (SC)
Contact: Dr. Paige Johnson

Construction Engineering and Management (BSCEM)
Construction Engineering and Management (CEM)
Construction Safety Leadership (CSEL)
Contact: Sharon Williams

Electrical Engineering (BSEE)
Applied Electromagnetics (APEL)
Controls, Robotics, & Autonomy (ECRA)
Energy & Power Electronics Systems (ERES)
Micro/Nanosystems (MNSY)
Wireless Communication and Signal Processing (WCSP)
ContactMary Brewer

Industrial and Systems Engineering (BSISE)
Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE)
Contact: Paula Van Curen

Materials Science Engineering (BSMSE)
Materials Science Engineering (MSE)
Materials Science Engineering: Nuclear Materials (MSE:NUCM)
Contact: Michelle Czamanske

Mechanical Engineering (BSME)
Automotive Engineering (AUTE)
Mechanical Engineering (ME)
Robotics and Mechatronics (RBMT)
Contact: Sarah Deisher

Mining Engineering (BSMNE)
Mining Engineering (MINE)
Contact: Michelle Crotto