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Vendor Links and Deals for Virginia Tech Faculty, Staff and Students

Virginia Tech and the College of Engineering are vendor neutral.  You should thoroughly research your purchase to ensure the computer you are buying best meets your individual needs in addition to the college requirements.  Specifications, including screen size, weight, quality, reliability, reputation, ease of service, and type and length of warranty,  should all be reviewed in detail before making a purchasing decision. 

Computer Brands Sold and Serviced (Business Models only) by Hokie Centric:

  • Apple
  • Dell
  • Lenovo
  • Microsoft

Discounts for faculty, staff, and students:

  • Many companies have educational discounts directly on their site. Open your favorite search engine (such as Google) and search for “[vendor] education discount” (replacing [vendor] with the company’s name)

Vendors offering hardware that meets our current requirements and interested in passing on savings to Virginia Tech students, staff, faculty, and alumni should contact the Director of Information Technology.