Engineering Faculty Organization (EFO)
Engineering Faculty Organization—Vision, Mission, and Goal
The Engineering Faculty Organization (EFO) includes all members of the engineering teaching, research, and extension faculty. We serve as advocates for engineering faculty concerns, as an advisory body to the Dean, and as the link between engineering faculty and university governance.
The purpose of the EFO is:
- To provide a forum for study, discussion, and formulation of policy in academic and personnel matters of particular interest to the College of Engineering;
- To provide meaningful two-way channels of communication between Faculty and Administration;
- To provide for the transaction of the routine business of the Faculty of the College of Engineering; and
- To discharge all responsibilities that may be delegated to the Engineering Faculty by the Faculty Senate, University Council, and/or Administration.
The EFO Constitution and Bylaws can be found here:
EFO Executive Committee
The EFO Executive Committee is made of representatives from each department in the College of Engineering, as well as representatives from CPES and the National Capital Region (NCR). The Executive Committee meets monthly with the Dean during the academic year. Minutes from these meetings can be found here:
EFO Meeting Minutes (EFO Member Access Only)
EFO Executive Committee Officers
Steve Martin (CHE) - President
Rebecca Cai (MSE) - Vice President
TBA - Secretary
Executive Committee Members
Representatives by department/unit:
- AOE: Cornel Sultan
- BEAM: Costin Untroiu (Alternate: Stefan Duma)
- CEE: Montasir Abbas (Alternate: Hosein Foroutan)
- CEM: Ruichuan Zhang (Alternate: Xuan Lv)
- CS: Osman Balci (Alternate: Wu Feng)
- CHE: Steve Martin (Alternate: Sanket Deshmukh)
- ECE: Yong Xu
- ENG-ED: Dayoung Kim (Alternate: Qin Zhu)
- ISE: Manish Bansal (Alternate: Blake Johnson)
- ME: Jonathon Boreyko (Alternate: Amrinder Nain)
- MINE: Richard Bishop (Alternate: Nino Ripepi)
- MSE: Wenjun (Rebecca) Cai (Alternate: Hesham Elmkharram)
- CPES: Christina DiMarino (Alternate: Dong Dong)
- NCR: Joseph Godfrey
We'd like your feedback
Do you have suggestions, or comments to bring forward in upcoming Engineering Faculty Organization Executive Committee Meetings? Please contact your department representative or email Steve Martin ( or Rebecca Cai (