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Promotion and Tenure

University resources

Promotion and tenure policies for tenured and tenure-track faculty, faculty on the continued appointment track, non-tenure-track instructional faculty and research faculty are spelled out in chapters three, four, five and six respectively of the faculty handbook.

For complete university guidelines and resources, please visit the provost's site.

The promotion and tenure process begins at the department level, and continues through the college to the university level. The provost's staff provides support to the university promotion and tenure committee and oversees the process.

College resources

Tenure-Track Faculty Workshop, May 4, 2023

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Instructional Faculty Promotion Workshop, April 21, 2023

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Research Faculty Workshop, June 7, 2024

Loading player for /content/dam/eng_vt_edu/for-faculty-and-staff/promotion-and-tenure/research-faculty-promotion-workshop-6-2024.mp4...

COE Promotion to Professor Workshop, June 28, 2024

Loading player for /content/dam/eng_vt_edu/for-faculty-and-staff/promotion-and-tenure/coe-promotion-to-professor-workshop,-june 28-2024.mp4...