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Jeremy West

Headshot of Jeremy West
"Treat your neighbor as yourself."

Jeremy West, a sophomore pursuing a degree in Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech, has an impressive 4.0 GPA. He hails from Annandale, and one of the best things about being a Virginia Tech Engineer is the vast community of like-minded peers. Jeremy has four siblings, and at home, he has a dog named Gracie and a few nameless chickens.

In his free time, Jeremy enjoys engaging in a variety of hobbies, including running, listening to songs, and even creating video games. His favorite cartoon character is Phineas from Phineas and Ferb, whom he admires for his boundless creativity and positive outlook. When it comes to music, Jeremy's preferred genre is pop, and his favorite film is Casablanca.

In his life, Jeremy looks up to a former high school acquaintance who serves as his role model. This individual has an admirable work ethic, knows how to balance work and fun, and exhibits humility and courtesy. Back in middle school, Jeremy dreamt of becoming an Olympic runner, but now, his aspirations have shifted. He envisions himself as the manager of a chain of factories focused on producing computer chips within the country.

Involvement is a significant part of Jeremy's life, and he actively participates in the College of Engineering through CanSat @ Virginia Tech, a rocket payload engineering design team. Beyond academics and engineering, Jeremy also dedicates his time to volunteer service, helping his church with food drives, supporting the elderly, and assisting disadvantaged individuals in the community.

If Jeremy could change one thing, it would be to alter people's mindsets. He hopes to inspire others to see their full potential, providing them with motivation and unwavering hope to achieve their goals and dreams. With his determination and involvement in various activities, Jeremy is undoubtedly on a path to make a positive impact on both the engineering world and the lives of those around him.