Jorge Gallo Munoz
Jorge Gallo Munoz is from Ashburn, Virginia and is a Senior in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Economics, a focus in Automotive Engineering, and a 3.70 GPA. Jorge says the best thing about being a Virginia Tech engineer is getting to learn about complex real world systems and the mathematics behind them. Now that he is at Virginia Tech, he dreams of working to make the world a more sustainable place by making automotives more energy efficient. In the future, if he could change only one thing, it would be income inequality.
Jorge’s current plans have shifted from his middle school dream of being an NFL player, but he now volunteers through his participation in his fraternity’s philanthropy events which include the Big Event, Relay for Life, Greeks Giving Back, and participation in other internal and external philanthropy events. He also enjoys rowing on the Crew team, lifting, video games, and watching netflix.
Jorge shared that one of his role models is his father because he showed him, by example, what hard work and dedication to achieving your goals looks like. Jorge’s favorite film is The Dark Knight and his favorite genre of music is modern rock. He also mentioned that his favorite cartoon character is Aang from Avatar because he loves how free spirited he is.