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Industrial and Systems Engineering Abroad

Department Contact: Dr. Paula Van Curen,

Message to ISE Students

Someday in the not-too-distant future, your time as an undergraduate student at Virginia Tech will end. Diploma in hand, you will move on to the next chapter in your life—graduate school, military service, work in the private or government sector— but to reach that milestone, you must do more than merely pass your classes.

Fortunately, the University, College of Engineering, and ISE department offer a number of opportunities for ISE students to enrich their undergraduate experience: Undergraduate Research, Ware Lab teams, internships, co-op experiences, and studying/working/volunteering abroad. I’d like to focus on that last item and extol the benefits an experience abroad can bring you.

For many of you, NOW is the best time to travel abroad. Once you begin your first “real” job or start working on your thesis or dissertation in graduate school, opportunities to live and work in another country for anywhere from 3 weeks to 9 months will not be as plentiful. Studying or working abroad exposes you to a new culture and a new way of life. You'll learn to recognize and appreciate how culture influences values and behaviors. You’ll begin to understand what makes life in the United States different from anywhere else in the world.

Learning abroad will not only help you develop new skills, more independence, and self-confidence that can’t be learned on campus, it will set you apart from other job seekers in a very competitive job market. You will be able to highlight your experience abroad in job interviews and on your resume. An opportunity to make lifelong friendships with people you wouldn't have met otherwise and an unparalleled opportunity to develop genuine fluency in a foreign language are two additional rewards to be gained from participation in an education abroad program.

Want more information? Visit the VT Global Education website at  Search for programs by major, region and type. Once you’ve visit the Global Education office and meet with the Engineering Peer Advisor (an engineering student who has been abroad and is familiar with the search process), come see me in 241 Durham to discuss how a study or internship abroad can fit into the ISE major or a minor.

Paula Van Curen
ISE Academic & Program Advisor
Grado Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering
241 Durham Hall

The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.“ ‑Saint Augustin

 ISE Students' Experiences in Study Abroad

 Guide for Researching Study Abroad Opportunities

ISE Department Study Abroad Exchange Programs

The ISE Department participates in student exchange agreements with universities in Brazil and Germany. Students can spend one or two semesters studying at the partner university while paying VT tuition. In ISE, students take pre-approved industrial engineering courses that will transfer back to VT to meet BSISE degree requirements.

Education Abroad in ISE: Overview (PDF | 360 KB)

Go to Guide for Researching Study Abroad Opportunities

Featured Virginia Tech Exchange Partner

Program: Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR) is a private, not-for-profit university with a high percentage of students from different countries and a strong support infrastructure for international students. The main campus is located in Curitiba, capital city of the State of Parana, Brazil. The low cost of living, excellent public transportation, exquisite beaches and a vibrant metropolitan atmosphere in Curitiba - all while studying engineering - make PUCPR an outstanding university to earn academic credits toward the ISE degree while abroad!

Language Requirement Good Portuguese language skills are necessary since classes are taught in Portuguese. Completion of PORT 1106 at VT or equivalent before departure is recommended. In addition to VT academic courses, students can learn Portuguese using VT Library resources, including Rosetta Stone. Free tutoring can also be arranged. Exchange students typically learn the language basics fairly quickly using these resources, particularly if they had studied Spanish before. Students arrive approximately one month before the start of the semester and will spend that time studying Portuguese in an immersion class and acclimating to the university and local community.

Program Cost Virginia Tech tuition, travel, housing and food. The cost of living in Brazil is low compared to the U.S. and many European countries. Students can apply for scholarships through University Financial Aid and Scholarships, VT Global Education and the ISE department.

Transfer Credit Academic credit toward an ISE degree for pre-approved engineering courses. Courses that have been approved to transfer to VT from PUCPR include:

  • ISE 2024 Probability Foundations for ISE
  • ISE 3214 Facilities Planning & Material Handling
  • ISE 3424 Discrete-Event Comp. Simulation
  • ISE 3614 Human Factors Eng. & Ergonomics
  • ISE 4204 Production Planning & Inventory Control
  • ISE 4404 Statistical Quality Control
  • ISE 4424 Logistics Engineering
  • STAT 4706 Probability & Statistics for Engine.

Duration of study: January through June; June through December. Students arrive approximately 1 month before the start of the academic semester to enroll in a language immersion course and acclimate to the university and local community.

 ISE Faculty Advisor for PUCPR:  Dr. Eileen Van Aken


Featured Third Party Program

THE GREEN PROGRAM is a special partner for study abroad connected with the Green Engineering minor program at VT. You can go on one of the TGP programs and earn VT credit (instead of transfer credit) toward the Green Engineering minor. Please watch this video to learn about TGP. Contact Drs. Sean McGinnis,, OR Lindy Cranwell, to learn how to receive VT credit for a TGP program abroad.

Virginia Tech and ISEP Exchanges

Technical University - Darmstadt

Learn more about the opportunity here.

Location: Darmstadt, Germany

Languages of Instruction: English, German

Program Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring, Summer


University of New South Wales

Learn more about the opportunity here.

Location: Sydney, Australia

Language of Instruction: English

Program Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring


University of Technology Sydney

Learn more about the opportunity here.

Location: Sydney, Australia

Language of Instruction: English

Program Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring

Check out the list of other Virginia Tech Exchange options and other third party options on the Global Education Office website.

For other ISEP options, check out the ISEP website!

Paula Van Curen

Study Abroad Advisor

Paula Van Curen

Academic Advisor

241 Durham Hall
(540) 231-2364


Eileen M. Van Aken

ISE Faculty Advisor for PUCPR, Brazil

Eileen M. Van Aken

Professor and Department Head

253 Durham Hall

(540) 231-6656


Please refer to Virginia Tech’s High-Risk Travel website for current policies and procedures on international travel: