International Offices at Virginia Tech
Cranwell International Center
Provides a wide range of programs and services for international students, and promotes the development of global and intercultural competence in all students.
Cranwell International Center
Global Strategic Services (GSS)
Provides visa services to nonstudents, which includes management of the international visitor and student intern processes; oversees the international agreement approval process.
Global Strategic Services (GSS)
Global Education Office
Oversees study abroad programs, student exchanges, global risk management and emergency response, administers scholarships, and supports faculty in their efforts to introduce meaningful international focus into courses and programs.
Global Education Office
Office of International Affairs
Assists with presidential level visits and sets the guidelines for hosting an international delegation or visitor. Oversees the following offices: Global Education Office, Global Strategic Services, Center for International Research, Education & Development; Language & Culture Institute; the Steger Center for International Scholarship; and VT India initiative.
Office of International Affairs
VT Engage
Oversees service learning, leadership education and civic engagement at Virginia Tech; manages all co-curricular (non-credit) program approvals.
VT Engage
Language and Culture Institute (LCI)
Develops and implements educational offerings, including university preparation, English language and specialized training programs, and establishes strategic international partnerships to strengthen linkages in teaching, research and service.
Language and Culture Institute
Center for International Research, Education and Development (CIRED)
CIRED is a university-wide center that supports Virginia Tech's international mission by identifying and pursuing partnerships and funding opportunities for research, teaching and development across the world.
Center for International Research, Education and Development