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Omar Rodriguez-Becerra

Headshot of Omar Rodriguez-Becerra
"You're going to have bad days and bad times in life. Do not let that stop you from reaching your goals. You have to keep going through the bad times, if you do keep going, when you finally reach your goal and look back it will all have been worth it."

Omar Rodriguez-Becerra, a second-year Computer Science student pursuing a Bachelor's degree at Virginia Tech, holds a stellar 4.0 GPA. Hailing from Collinsville, VA, he finds solace in the vibrant diversity of the university, which ensures he never feels out of place. He revels in the sense of belonging and pride that comes with being part of a prestigious engineering program, which he considers one of the best in the state.

Though an only child, Omar's life is far from monotonous. He's a fitness enthusiast, soccer player, and always keeps himself engaged in various activities. Reflecting on his childhood, his favorite cartoon character, SpongeBob, brings back fond memories of carefree days spent watching the show. Music-wise, he's open to all genres but has a soft spot for rap.

A role model he looks up to is Cristiano Ronaldo, inspired by the footballer's journey from humble beginnings to international stardom. Omar too believes in the power of hard work and dreams of securing a rewarding career to provide for his parents, who've sacrificed greatly for his education.

In his middle school years, Omar's dreams gravitated towards a career in computer hardware engineering, a choice stemming from his lifelong fascination with computers. Now, as a Virginia Tech student, he aspires to give back to his family and community, emphasizing the importance of gratitude for the sacrifices made on his behalf.

While he isn't currently involved in organized volunteer work, he has participated in activities like feeding the homeless and campus clean-up initiatives, showing his commitment to giving back. Looking ahead, Omar reflects on his childhood as an only child and wonders how having siblings might have shaped him differently, perhaps making him more outgoing.

In conclusion, Omar Rodriguez-Becerra, a dedicated student at Virginia Tech, is on a journey to not only succeed in his academic pursuits but also make a positive impact on the lives of those around him, fueled by the values of hard work and gratitude.