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Samuel Barber

Headshot of Samuel Barber
'but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us' Romans 5:8

Samuel Barber is from Chelmsford, Massachusetts, and is a junior in Mechanical Engineering with a 3.87 GPA. He says the best thing about being a Virginia Tech Engineering student is being able to quickly become friends with any Hokie that he runs into the outside of school. When Samuel was in middle school, he dreamed about becoming a robotics engineer. Now that he is at Virginia Tech, he still dreams about going into robotics engineering in the future. If he could change one thing, he would put more effort into his work in middle school and high school. 

Samuel is now a part of the Formula SAE team within the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech. He also used to teach 3D design and coding to kids in the Boston area as a volunteer service. 

Samuel mentioned that his role model is his mom because she works hard to help others. His favorite cartoon character is Phineas from Phineas and Ferb because he builds a lot of cool things. He enjoys walking, biking, and playing the violin.