What to Expect from the Course

Required as part of Galileo and Hypatia
Many first-year students find that what worked to make them successful high school students may not work as a college student. The first year college experience is a huge life transition, and the Galileo and Hypatia required two credit course is designed to help make that transition as easy as possible.
Company recruiters tell us they need engineers who know their academics but also know how to work in teams, communicate effectively, deal with conflict, and sell their ideas. The course is also designed to aid in polishing those skills and begin to develop their professional formation as engineers
In the course, students will:
- Polish their resume for Engineering Expo which takes place each September - yes, it is possible for freshmen to receive internship offers
- Learn to write cover letters and thank you notes to interviewers
- Learn methods of tracking grades in order to have a successful semester from the beginning
- Participate in a one on one meeting with their instructor at mid semester to evaluate their academic progress
- Participate in community events led by upper class committees
- Complete service learning activities during the fall and spring semesters, following the motto of the university Ut Prosim – That I May Serve
- Explore topics of diversity that relate to their professional formation as engineers in interactive workshops
This is a two credit course that meets once a week in the fall semester. Some weeks will also have a Tuesday night component where we host workshops, academic advising sessions for spring course request, etc.
The grade for the course is held with an incomplete at the end of the fall semester, as there is still one more spring assignment to complete. The grade for the course is released at the end of the spring semester and retroactively changes the fall GPA.
Center for the Enhancement of Engineering Diversity
220 Gilbert Street (MC 0275)
Blacksburg, Virginia, 24061
Phone: (540) 231-7411
Email CEED