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Chairs, Named Professorships and Fellows

Name of Professorship Faculty Name
Adhesive and Sealant Science Professorship David Dillard
Clayton Ayre Professorship Anbo Wang
Stonie Barker Professorship  Emily Sarver
Ralph H. Bogle Professorship James Kong
Bradley Distinguished Professorship Y. Thomas Hou
Bradley Faculty Fellowship  Arthur Ball
Bradley Faculty Fellowship Leyla Nazhandali
Bradley Professorship Luiz Pereira da Silva
Bradley Sr. Faculty Fellowship Lingjia Liu
Bradley Sr. Faculty Fellowship Binoy Ravindran
Bradley Sr. Faculty Fellowship Scott Bailey
Samuel Reynolds Pritchard Professorship Hesham Rakha
Fred W. Bull Professorship Chang Lu
David H. Burrows Professorship Michael Garvin
CACI Faculty Fellowship Matthew Hicks
CACI Faculty Fellowship Danfeng Yao
Nicholas T. Camicia Professorship Roe-Hoan Yoon
Joseph H. Collie Chair Chris McDowell
J. E. Cowling Professorship Dwight Viehland
Kevin Crofton Chair Mark Psiaki
Crofton Faculty Fellowship Stefano Brizzolara
Crofton Faculty Fellowship Scott England
Crofton Professorship William Devenport
William Cross Professorship Danesh Tafti
Nicholas and Rebecca DesChamps Chair Brian Lattimer
Grant A. Dove Professorship Yue Wang
Fred D. Durham Chair Ella Atkins
EMC Senior Faculty Fellowship Christopher Williams
W. C. English Professorship Wenjing Lou
Clifton C. Garvin Professorship Romesh Batra
Alex F. Giacco Presidential Chair   Erdogan Kiran
Georg R. Goodson Professorship Ranga Pitchumani
Charles O. Gordon Professorship G. Don Taylor
John Hancock Jr. Chair  Dimitrios Nikolopoulos
N. Waldo Harrison Professorship Pamela VandeVord
Kendall and Laura Hendrick Jr Faculty Fellowship Eil Vlaisavljevich
Samuel Herrick Professorship John Socha
Lewis A. Hester Chair Roop Mahajan
Robert E. Hord Jr. Professorship Padmavathy Rajagopalan
Robert E. Hord Jr. Professorship William Ducker
Robert E. Hord Jr. Professorship Michael von Spakovsky
Robert E. Hord Jr. Professorship Corina Sandu
Robert E. Hord Jr. Professorship Alireza Haghighat
W. Martin Johnson Professorship Harpreet Dhillon
J. R. Jones III Senior Faculty Fellowship Jonathan Boreyko
J. R. Jones III Senior Faculty Fellowship Michael Bartlett
J. R. Jones III Senior Faculty Fellowship Bahareh Behkam
J. R. Jones III Senior Faculty Fellowship Rui Qiao
J. B. Jones Chair Mehdi Ahmadian
Hugh P. and Ethel C. Kelly Professorship Richard Zhang
Chris Kraft Professorship Wing Ng
John Lawrence Professorship Konstantinos Triantis
Joseph R. Loring Professorship Saifur Rahman
Raymond and Shirley Lynn Chair Rolf Mueller
Frank Maher Professorship Douglas Bowman
Mary V. Jones Jr Faculty Fellowship  Shima Shahab
Mary V. Jones Research Professorship Gregory Young
J. Byron Maupin Professorship Wayne Scales
Norris and Wendy Mitchell Professorship Rakesh Kapania
William E. Montague-Betts Jr. Professorship Matthew Eatherton
Newport News-Tenneco Professorship Thomas Dingus
Northrop Grumman Sr Faculty Fellowship Alan Michaels
Paul T. Norton Professorship Subhash Sarin
Thomas L. Phillips Professorship Narendran Ramakrishnan
Dan Pletta Professorship Gerardo Flintsch
Preston & Catharine White Directorship Brian Kleiner
Preston & Catharine White Fellowship Georg Reichard
Preston & Catharine White Fellowship Josh Iorio
Preston & Catharine White Fellowship Ashley Johnson
Hal G. Prillaman Professorship Maury Nussbaum
Pryor Professorship  Peter Vikesland
Pulte Homes Professorship Lindsay Lally
L. S. Randolph Professorship Christopher Williams
Reynolds Metals Professorship Scott Case
W. Thomas Rice Professorship Amy Pruden-Bagchi
Rolls Royce Commonwealth Director of the Surface Engineering Gary Pickrell
Rolls Royce Commonwealth Professor for Marine Propulsion Eric Paterson
Rolls Royce Commonwealth Professorship Chang Min Son
Ryan & Krista Frederic Jr Faculty Fellowship Riley Fitzgerald
Shirish S. Sathaye Junior Faculty Fellowship Yuhao Zhang
Stephen & Cherye Tyndall Moore CS Junior Faculty Fellowship Jin-Hee Cho
Steven O. Lane Junior Faculty Fellowship Jordan Budhu
Thomas M. Murray Family Junior Faculty Fellowship  Eric Jacques
Paul and Dorothea Chair Torgersen Chair Julia Ross
James S. Tucker Professorship Jih Lai
Elizabeth and James Turner Faculty Fellowship Chenming Zhang
Elizabeth and James Turner Faculty Fellowship Leigh-Anne Krometis
Elizabeth and James Turner Faculty Fellowship Danfeng Yao
Vecellio Professorship David Ford
Chalres E. Via Jr Professorship Roberto Leon
Chalres E. Via Jr Professorship John Little
Frank C. Vilbrant Professorship Yih-An Liu
VMEC Chair Masoud Agah
W. E. Jamerson Professorship Walid Thabet
L. Preston Wade Professorship Robin Queen
W. S. 'Pete' White Chair  Kimberly Ellis
Willis G. Worcester Professorship Jeffrey Reed
Harry Wyatt Professorship Stefan Duma
Yuan J. Beliveau Professorship Andrew McCoy

*does not list UDPs, ADPs, or unfilled honorific appointments