Nick Tremaroli ‘22, ‘23

Nick Tremaroli
Class of ‘22, '23
Robotics Researcher at the Italian Institute of Technology
After graduating from Virginia Tech with my computer engineering degree, I moved internationally to work for the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) to help develop one of the world's first flying humanoid robots, iRonCub. My time at Virginia Tech gave me the experience I needed to confidently travel the world while pursuing my passion for robotics.
Outside work, I enjoy reading, exercising, playing sports, hanging out with friends, and traveling.
What was an experiential learning opportunity that you participated in while at Virginia Tech?
One of the projects I worked on was PANDORA, a fully 3D-printed humanoid robot designed by the Terrestrial Robotics Engineering and Controls Lab. We wanted to help solve the weight problem that humanoid robots have by designing one of the first fully 3D-printed structural robots. Many other robots are made of metal and have difficulty walking up stairs or operating for long periods. PANDORA is super lightweight compared to other humanoids because it is made of 3D-printed plastic, giving it the ability to operate much quicker and perform much better. Another benefit of such a design includes quicker turnaround times to build as the structural components can be printed in under two weeks.
How did the college equip you for global experiences?
Virginia Tech Engineering provided a diverse experience both academically and socially. I met people from different states and from around the world, which gave me a unique perspective. The entire community at Virginia Tech — from the classes to the extracurricular activities — helped me grow and mature as a young adult.
What is a guiding principle for your work?
Do what you love because then it won't feel like work. I apply this to everything I do. If I truly love my job, I can spend hours a day working on it, even during weekends or holidays and it will still bring a smile to my face.
What was your role on the PANDORA project?
I was one of the lead software developers for this project and pioneered a software framework that enabled us to produce better results much quicker. The software I wrote allowed for additional sensors and features to be connected to the robot easily, shortening development time by a matter of months.
How did the PANDORA project help you in your job search?
The software framework I designed for PANDORA along with the leadership position I had made my project was very attractive to IIT. They were also extremely interested in the knowledge I gained while pursuing this project as a student. The expertise I achieved throughout my studies helped me acquire an eclectic knowledge base at an exceptional level. From my experiences at Virginia Tech, I aced an extremely competitive interview process, achieving my dream of traveling the world working on super cool robots.
My fondest memories from my time in the college are...
My favorite memory at Virginia Tech is playing volleyball with my friends on the Drillfield during Relay for Life with a beautiful sunset in the background. I also enjoyed walking around the Duck Pond and relaxing in Hahn Garden.
B.S., Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech, 2022
M.S., Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech, 2023