Ware Lab Facilities
The Ware Lab is a 10,000 square foot facility, located one-half block from most engineering buildings on campus.
This facility is home to a number of undergraduate engineering student design projects. It includes a showroom, machine shop, welding shop, computer aided design and manufacturing laboratory, eight self contained project bays and an additional project area on the ground floor. Engineering students, from all academic levels and departments in the College of Engineering, use this facility to design, fabricate and test their projects. For information on how to gain access to this facility, please see the current lab policy manual.

The Showroom is used as a welcome center, a gathering place for tour groups and a display area for several of the Ware Lab projects. Companies often use the Showroom to hold information sessions and receptions for students involved in the projects. The display case contains recent project awards as well as some Ware Lab history - such as the retirement certificate of Joseph Ware Jr. - and a hand carved tire donated by Goodyear. Plaques listing corporate and individual donors are prominently displayed in the showroom.
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Contact the Ware Lab
320 Stanger Street, Mail Code 297, Military Building, 203, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061