Gifts of any size make a big impact across the college

Whether you give $5 or $5,000 gifts of any size make a big impact on our students:
- $5 purchases 4-piece landing gear for a drone.
- $10 provides the biomedical engineering and mechanics’ cell engineering lab with two pairs of safety goggles for use in culturing cells.
- $30 provides a student with a safety helmet and vest for construction and land development site visits
- $50 covers the cost of two 9-foot parachutes for rocketry teams like the Orbital Launch Vehicle Team or inVenTs Rocketry.
- $100 covers the purchase of personal protective equipment required for a biological systems engineering student to perform protein separation in the lab, or sends a current mining student on a one-day field trip to a mine or quarry.
- $250 funds conference registration for an engineering student, creating opportunities to learn, present undergraduate research, network, and expand professional growth.
- $500 provides 50 hours of research experience in a faculty laboratory, or enables the Center for the Enhancement of Engineering Diversity to hire three upperclass students to serve as peer mentors to teams of eight freshmen each.
- $5,000 fully funds one student’s scholarship for engineering education’s Rising Sophomore Abroad Program, an award-winning program that promotes extended international experiences and allows students to make initial contact with a company or university in another country to further their internship opportunities and career prospects.
Interested in boosting the impact of your gift and helping to recruit and retain top faculty for Virginia Tech Engineering? The Moraco Fellowship Challenge is positioning the college to create lasting support for junior faculty and graduate students through endowed fellowships. Learn more about this exciting opportunity to support the college's strategic priorities to attract -- and keep -- the best and brightest to Virginia Tech.
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