Virginia Tech Engineer
Article ItemEngineering female leaders , article
This year, all six minority student organizations under the Council for the Advancement of Minority Engineering Organizations (CAMEO) are led by female presidents hoping to inspire change.
Article ItemA vital frontier , article
Doctors aren't alone in pioneering health care research. For innovative solutions - page the engineer.
Article ItemPlanting the CEED for Community , article
For more than 30 years, the Center for the Enhancement of Engineering Diversity has supported college and K-12 students through a community of people-powered academic and summer programs driven by mentorship and guidance.
Message from the dean
Article ItemPursuing global excellence and transformational growth for all , article
As we close another academic year, I am thrilled to share with you the significant achievements we have celebrated within the College of Engineering.
research + innovationĀ + people
Article ItemNERF: Safety isn’t kid’s stuff , article
"You'll shoot your eye out, kid."—Santa Claus, A Christmas Story
Article ItemBeauty is in the ear of the beholder , article
Industrial and systems engineers are making art more accessible to those who cannot consume it visually through auditory augmented reality.
Article ItemInventor. Engineer. Hokie. , article
Since the turn of the millennium, Steven Bathiche ’97 has led the Microsoft Applied Sciences Research Group in creating new technology, like inventing the Surface series, or building new artificial intelligence (AI) tools for staple Windows software and the Office apps.
Article ItemPaddling towards victory , article
Virginia Tech's Concrete Canoe team wins regional competition with the most unconventional of building materials.
news + events from around the college