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Walter Lee

Early strides in research and education earn faculty 16 national awards

In the 2020 fiscal year, 10 faculty members in the College of Engineering received the National Science Foundation’s most prestigious award for junior faculty: the Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award.

They join five 2019 award winners and Air Force Young Investigator Maryam Shakiba in earning recent national recognition for their early career achievements in research and education. Their projects present a dizzying array of basic research goals: boosting memory systems in super computers, shedding light on the experiences of marginalized engineering students, and examining 3D microstructures in sea animals. Others aim to design metals to stand up to harsh environments and enable robots to inspect power lines. Through Q&A, the awardees reveal the questions that tug at them, the impact they hope to make, and their career advice  to students for a grounded start in research.

2020 Winners


2019 Winners

2019 and 2020 awardees not featured: Hongliang Xin, Xianming Bai.

Some photos taken prior to onset of COVID-19 pandemic.

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