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Undergraduate Scholarships - International Programs

Location: worldwide
Term: varies by country
Amount: varies by country
Deadline: Typically early fall for the following academic year; see Fulbright Program Advisor and campus deadline.
Location: Regions where less commonly taught languages are spoken that are deemed critical to U.S. interests 
Term: summer, semester, full academic year, with commitment to work for U.S. federal agency for a minimum of one year
Amount: $8,000 summer (8 week min.); $10,000 for a semester; $20,000 full academic year
Deadline: national competition deadline typically January/February with results by April; see campus representative.
Location: multiple destinations in Germany
Term: August-January
Amount: tuition waiver for 6 months university study; 1000 Euros towards travel expenses
Deadline: February for the following fall
Location: Japan
Amount: $2,500/semester or $4,000/academic year
Term: semester or academic year
Deadline: September for following spring or early April for following fall
Location: Any country except Cuba or countries on the U.S. Department of State Travel Warning list
Term: summer, semester, or academic year
Amount: Average award is $4,000-5,000 with a bonus up to total of $8,000 to study a critically-needed language
Deadline: Typically end of September for spring or early March for the following year
Location: any
Term: semester and academic year
Amount: $500 to $2,500
Deadline: Applications must be postmarked by February 28 of each year
Eligibility: Undergraduate full-time enrolled U.S. citizens with sophomore or junior status, age 18-30 who have not yet participated in a formal study or internship abroad program
Location: any
Term: summer
Amount: Funded summer internship includes placement, housing, in-country support, program-related transportation, online seminars
Deadline: Early January
Eligibility: demonstrated financial need
Location: various
Term: Fall semester or academic year
Amount: $500
Deadline: linked to ISEP program deadline